Monday, May 2

Sounds Of Music

H. There's always something about music.  The way the sound or beat gets captured in your mind, and you end up humming it all day.  The way some people can go for hours without a break in song.  Or even the way music can calm you at the dead of night.

Ever since enrolling in my school's band class I've found that the way you listen to music changes.  I find I can hear every instrument playing their own melody, instead of one big sound.  Music means a lot more to me now.

Music is something the world cannot live without...  Imagine a world without music... The world would be lifeless, soulless.  There would be no beat in your steps, no sway in your arms.  If you think about it, music could be anything; the popping of popcorn, the sound of your shoes as they scrape against the asphalt, even the sound of your last class' clock as it ticks away the seconds 'til school's out.  Music is always in the air, it's everywhere.


  1. The ticking tock of the school clock was always music to my ears. Very beautiful post.

  2. My favorite song is "Friday" by Rebecca Black
